Amazon Launch gathers specialists to debate innovation in the north of Brazil

Para’s government representatives and local businesses supported a conference given by Kyvo and Sim Comunicação in Belem-PA, north of Brazil.

The first edition of the Amazon Launch took place in Brazil, Belem-PA, on September, 4th. It focused on innovation and the entrepreneur in the north of Brazil. This event was attended by more than 200 people, including local business representatives, authorities, undergraduates and small entrepreneurs.

“We represent a great part of the Para’s economy, which ensures local demand for discussions about innovation that show how the big companies are facing the high-mobility digitalized world”, said Hilton Menezes, partner and Kyvo´s CEO.

Érico Fileno, director of Visa’s innovation in Brazil, and Kyvo’s CEO opened the speech. Both talked about the main “turn-around” faced by Visa looking for innovation in the field of payments and the role of the fintech startups right now. Track is Visa’s acceleration business program Kyvo operates in Brazil.

After that, Caio Vassao, Bootstrap Comunicacao founder and an innovation specialist and Rodrigo Vieira, a lawyer who practises in the area of startups at the Tozzini Freire Law Office.

At the end of the first section of the Amazon Launch lecture the speakers were: Caio Vassao, Hilton Menezes, Mr. Eduardo Leão (adjunct secretary at the Secretaria de Estado de Desenvolvimento Econômico – SEDEME) and Ricardo Gluck Paul, director of the Estacio FAP university and the Paysandu vice-president spoke.

In the second section, some presentations were done by Daniel Gentil, who is a director of Gentil Company that has more than 90 branches in the northeast of Brazil; Carlos Nogueira, Anjos do Brasil member, an entity that promotes investment in startups; Antonio Castilho, ex-CEO of the Elavon, which is a processor of credit card transactions, and a partner in Vector Capital. Afterwards, a discussion was conducted by the speakers and Alberto Soares, consultant, AS Consultoria founder in Belem-PA.

At the conference, there were some presentations from L3D (3D printing), Inteceleri (virtual reality), Ocalev (projects of electric facilities) and Sicombus (fuel management), all of which are from the state of Para. “It was very important to show those who attended the lecture that there are innovative ideas which came from local entrepreneurs”, says Menezes. According to the businessman another lecture might happen in the beginning of 2018.

Amazon Launch was supported by Claro Brasil, Varra, SEDEME, FIEPA (a federal institution linked to the industries), PRODEPA, SECTET, SEBRAE, SETUR, ADVB/PA, ACP, CONJOVE and CME.